Search SG Database

What is the SG Database?

ASGA-Member-Logo-Bronze_150pIt’s the only searchable database of every Student Government in North America. The ASGA team spends more than 20,000 hours per year gathering information, updating, and maintaining the SG Database. You can search for anything about Student Government.

Search for SG officers, advisors, budgets, publicity ideas, strengths and weaknesses, major accomplishments, goals, and more.
Review thousands of constitutions/bylaws, finance codes, student activity fees, signature programs, and SG structures.
Find out which SG officers are paid, who has a full-time advisor, who has the highest election turnout, and more.

How To Search

  1. Log in as ASGA member.
  2. Click on Search SG Database.
  3. Then you can search for specific information you need, from SG officers or the SG Salary Survey, to the SG Effectiveness Test or SG Documents.

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View Sample SG Profiles

Here are examples of SGs at three different types of institutions:

For more information, call toll-free 1-877 ASK ASGA (1-877-275-2742) or write